Examination Regulations, Assessment And Grading
Based on the Kayseri University Postgraduate Education Regulations, the exams to be held in a year are as follows; There is at least one midterm exam for each course. However, faculty members may also count projects, homework, laboratory, workshop and similar works that they have their students do during the semester as a midterm exam. The final exam for a course is held at the end of the semester in which that course is completed. The student who fulfills the attendance requirement has to take the final exam for that course on the specified day and time. However, the faculty members can also count the projects, homework, laboratory, workshop and similar studies they have done during the semester as the end of the year exam, provided that they notify the institute in advance. In order to take the make-up exam for a course, it is required that the student has fulfilled the attendance requirement. Students who have earned the right to take the semester/end exam but do not take these exams with or without an excuse, and students who take the make-up exam but fail, can take it. In addition, students who are successful as a result of the final exam can take the make-up exam in order to raise their grades. In both cases, the most recent grade is considered valid. Students who want to take the exam to raise their grades must state that they will take the exam from ÖBİSİS at least three days before the make-up exam for that course will be held. Otherwise, they cannot take the exam. Even if they take the exam, their exams are considered invalid. Make-up exams are not held for seminar course, term project courses, and courses with special status to be determined by the institute board of directors. A student who is unable to take the midterm exams due to an excuse accepted by the Graduate School Administrative Board may be given a make-up exam right. Applications for make-up exams must be made within one week after the end of the make-up exam. There is no make-up exam for the final, make-up and single course exams. Students who have only one course left to graduate, take the proficiency exam, pass the thesis period or complete the scientific preparation program can be given the right to take a single course exam at the end of the relevant semester, with the decision of the institute board of directors. A single course exam is not given for the seminar course and the term project course in the non-thesis master's program. Exams are evaluated out of 100 points. Midterm and final exam results of a course are shown with numerical score. The score (0) for the exams that the student has not taken is zero. The calculation of the success grade is as follows: a) The average of the midterm exam score is determined by dividing the sum of the scores obtained by the student in the midterm exams by the number of midterm exams. The fractional numbers to be found in this way are increased to the nearest whole number. b) 60%''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''? The success score is calculated by adding 40 of them. Midterm grades are not taken into account in a single course exam. The success grade of the students who take the single course exam is determined only according to the single course exam grade. In the calculation of these ratios, the fractions are preserved, but the fractional numbers are rounded up to the nearest whole number in the calculation of the success score. c) For each course taken by the students within the framework of the graduate program; The letter grade is given by the instructors using the table below: 90-100 4.00 AA 85-89 3.50 BA 80-84 3.00 BB 75-79 2.50 CB 70-74 2.00 CC 65-69 1.50 DC 60-64 1.00 DD 50-59 0.50 FD 00-49 0.00 FF To be successful in a course; Master's program students must have received at least a CC grade. In the calculation of the success grades of the graduate program students who take courses from the undergraduate program, the letter success grade determined by the evaluation method applied in the undergraduate program is taken as basis. Students who are successful in seminars, thesis work, specialization courses and other similar courses are given a successful (BL) grade and unsuccessful students are given an unsuccessful (BS) grade. Students who fail the course because they do not meet the attendance requirement are given a grade of unsuccessful due to absenteeism (DZ). A grade of (M) is given for the courses that the student has taken from any higher education institution before being accepted to the graduate program at the University and are successful, which are not taken into account in the calculation of the credits and GPA required for graduation, and for which exemption is given.